Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My incision is open... Yuck!!!

The lighting was bad (bathroom lighting!), so my stomach isn't that color. That would just be freaky! :)

There are a couple open spots, but the main one is in the middle.

Monday, August 1, 2011

8/1- tape allergy, swollen, but feeling good

Day 19. You might see some of the cream for my rash (tape allergy) on my stomach since it's white and doesn't quite soak all the way in.

The red marks are either the rash (usually horizontal red marks) or from the binder (vertical red marks). I wear the binder constantly (except to shower), so those are pretty much just going to be there for a while. The tape rash showed up with everywhere tape had been placed for multiple days, so they're in various spots.

It's pretty swollen, not all that attractive, but it's healing nicely.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

7/21- bruised and swollen

I made this picture small so you don't throw up! I still have stitches in my belly button, which is hugely swollen, and my abdomen is way more bruised and swollen than it has been.

I do have to note that there are red marks from taking the tape off my bandages (or, more accurately, Mike ripped them off!) and crinkly marks from my binder. It's pretty tight, so it leaves marks.